Laser Cutter / Engraver demos and more…
Join our meetup and RSVP here!
Gift a spot in the next Laser Cutter Workshop for that special maker in your life.
Please be our guest at our OpenShop at JC Fab Lab! Bring a project idea, or, even a project in progress to share with the group or collaborators.
Tour the Lab… we have a 2000sq. ft shop with
• traditional woodshop tools
• basic metal-working tools (including a MIG welder)
• Epilog Fusion 40 laser cutter / engraver,
• Shapeoko2 CNC Mill (1000mmx1000mm)…
• 4 color screen printing station
• vinyl cutter
and more 🙂
Meet potential collaborators.
Find out about the resources, workshops, and upcoming events at JC Fab Lab.
Membership Info
We officially kicked off official public membership on Jan. 15. If you missed it, that’s okay… pretty simple… you can apply for membership at JC Fab Lab here:
We’re actively looking for members to join up (for monthly memberships)… it’s pretty simple:
1. Apply online
2. You take the General Shop Safety Class.
3. Pass the quiz, and Contact Us to sign-up for the pricing plan you’re happiest with.